How Effective is Energy as an Instrument of Russian Foreign Policy?
This article was written by Lucy Aspinall, Policy Fellow 22-23, and originally appeared in International Relations Today
“Russia is no longer able to wield its resources as a coercive foreign policy tool, instead, it is at the mercy of the market with its desperation for exports illustrated by the cut-price trade deals states such as China and India are securing. The basis for Russia’s relationship with newly forged energy partners is mutually beneficial to some extent as Russia ‘clutches at straws’ desperately seeking new markets as their energy exports fuel the Russian war machine. But, in this case, it is clear who is wielding all the power, and it is not Russia.”

The Contestation of Liberal International Order: The CCP and its Foreign Relations Law
This article was written by Abigail Darwish, Policy Fellow 22-23, and originally appeared in International Relations Today
“Beyond threatening the security of its neighbours, the principles of the FRL are also the continuation of China’s undermining of the LIO. Beijing’s stated commitment to the values of the LIO is a useful red herring that it can deploy whenever China is accused of pursuing its actual goal— the subversion of the current world order in favour of a Chinese-led one.”

Judicial Reform isn't Bad, It will Make Israel More Like the UK - Opinion
This article was written by Sam Brummer, Policy Fellow 22-23, and originally appeared in The Jerusalem Post.
“The concept of parliamentary sovereignty is fundamental to the UK political system, and chastising Israel for trying to adopt something similar is foolish.”