COVERAGE: The JEwish Chronicle - Oxford Union ‘apartheid Israel’ debate accused of breaking the law by glorifying violence

The signatories, including Baroness Ruth Deeth KC, Former Principal of St Anne's College, and Sir Vernon Bogdanor CBE, Former Vice Principal of Brasenose College, condemned the “dangerous rhetoric, provocative behaviour, and acts of intimidation” that sullied the event.

Taking place on 28 November, the debate scrutinised the motion: “This house believes Israel is an apartheid state responsible for genocide”.

The letter, which was organised by the Pinsker Centre, a campus-based foreign policy think tank, went on to decry the “incendiary remarks made by some speakers in support of terrorist violence”.

The open letter said: “Such statements are morally reprehensible and also in clear violation of the law. Glorifying acts of violence under the guise of advocating for Palestinian rights serves neither justice nor peace. It undermines the legitimate efforts of those seeking a peaceful resolution to this longstanding conflict and alienates those who might otherwise be willing to engage in constructive dialogue.”


Coverage: The Times - Oxford Union accused of breaking the law during Israel debate