The Future of the Britain-Israel Relationship - with Michael Rubin
The Pinsker Centre The Pinsker Centre

The Future of the Britain-Israel Relationship - with Michael Rubin

18th July 7pm - Central London location.

Click read more for more details and tickets

The discussion will be taking place at a central London location. Exact location will be emailed to attendees.

The event will begin promptly on July 18th at 7pm, with doors opening at 6:30pm. Food and drink provided!

Michael Rubin is the Director of Labour Friends of Israel (LFI). LFI is a group in the Parliament of the United Kingdom that advocates a strong bilateral relationship between the United Kingdom and Israel. LFI supports a negotiated two-state solution for two peoples, with Israel recognised and secure within its borders, and the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.

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The Centre Must Hold - A conversation with Yair Zivan
The Pinsker Centre The Pinsker Centre

The Centre Must Hold - A conversation with Yair Zivan

9th July 7pm - Central London Location.

Click read more for more details and tickets

The discussion will be taking place at a central London location. Exact location will be emailed to attendees.

The event will begin promptly on July 9th at 7pm, with doors opening at 6:30pm. Food and drink provided!

Yair Zivan is a committed centrist. His new book, The Centre Must Hold: Why Centrism is the answer to extremism and polarisation, offers a comprehensive centrist approach to the major challenges facing the world today.

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